Принтер / | \ Матричный Струйный Лазерный Принтер / \ Монохромный Цветной
Термическая головка Струйный
InkJet Dye Sublimation
Частица тонера:
Управление принтером Основные системы команд принтеров ESC/P Epson PCL HP IBM/P IBM устарел Современные принтеры как правило не печатают в текстовом режиме и поддерживают только графическое подмножество. Таким образом основная нагрузка по формированию данных ложиться на компьютер. Мы приведем здесь кратко набор команд PCL: ----------------------------------------------------------------- Esc E Reset Esc &l # X Number of copies Esc &l # S Simplex/Duplex Print Esc &l # U Left (Long-Edge) Offset Registration Esc &l # Z Top (short-edge) offset registration Esc &u # D Unit of Measure Esc *o # Q Mechanical Print Quality Esc &l # M Media Type Esc &a # N Negative Motion ----------------------------------------------------------------- Esc &l # A Page Size Esc &l # O Orientation (Portrait/Langscape) Esc &a # G Page Side Selection Esc &l T Job Separation Esc &l # H Media Source Esc &l # G Output (Media) bin Esc &a # P Print Direction Esc &c # T character text path dir. Esc &a # L Left margin Esc &a # M Rigth margin Esc 9 Clear horizontal margins Esc &l # E Top Margin Esc &l # F Text Margin Esc &l # L Perforation skip Esc &k # H Horizontal Motion Index Esc &l # C Vertical Motion Index Esc &l # D Line Spacing ----------------------------------------------------------------- Esc &a # C Horizontal position Esc *p # X Esc &a # H Esc &a # R Vertical Position Esc *p # Y Esc &a # V Esc = Half Line Feed Esc &k # G Line termination Esc &f # S Push/Pop selection Esc ( ID Symbol set (primary) Esc (s # P Spacing (primary) Esc (s # H Pitch (primary) Esc (s # V Heigth (primary) Esc (s # S Style (primary) Esc (s # B Stroke Weigth (primary) Esc (s # T Typeface (primary) Esc (s # X Font selection by id Esc (3 @ Select default font Esc &d # D Underline Esc &d @ Esc &p # X [data] Transparent Print Data Esc &t # P Text Parsing method Esc *c # D Assign font ID Esc *c # F font control Esc *c # R Symbol set ud code Esc (f # W [data] Define symbol font Esc *c # S Symbol set control ----------------------------------------------------------------- Esc )s # W [data] Font descriptor Esc *c # E Character code Esc (s # W [data] Download character Esc &f # Y macro id Esc &f # X macro control Esc *v # N source transparency mode Esc *v # O pattern transparency mode Esc *c # G Arer Fill (pattern) ID Esc *v # T Select current pattern Esc *l # O logical opration Esc *l # R pixel placement Esc *c # W [data] Define (download) pattern Esc *p # R set pattern reference point Esc *c # Q user-defined pattern control ----------------------------------------------------------------- Esc *t # R raster resolution Esc *r # F graphics presentation Esc *r # T raster height (sources) Esc *t # V raster height (destination) Esc *r # S raster width (source) Esc *t # H raster width (destination) Esc *t # K scale algorithm Esc *r # A start raster graphics Esc *b # Y Y offset Esc *b # M set compression mode Esc *b # W [data] transfer raster (row/block) Esc *b # V [data] transfer raster (plane) Esc *r B End graphics Esc *r C End graphics (version C - preferrable) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Esc *c # A Horizontal rectangle size Esc *c # H Esc *c # B Vertical ractangle size Esc *c # V Esc *c # G Pattertn ID (Area fill ID) Esc *c # P Fill rectanlge area Esc *s # T Set status readback location type Esc *s # U Set status readback location unit Esc *s # I Inquiry status readback entry Esc *s 1 M Free space Esc &r # F Flush all pages Esc *s # X Echo Esc *c # X Picture frame horizontal size Esc *c # Y picture frame vertical size Esc *c 0 T set picture frame anchor point Esc *c # K set HP-GL/2 horizontal plot size Esc *c # L set HP-GL/2 vertial plot size Esc % # B Enter HP-GL/2 mode Esc % # A Enter PCL mode Esc Y Display function on Esc Z Display function off Esc &s # C End of Line Wrap Esc *v # I Assign color index Esc *v # A color component 1 Esc *v # B color component 2 Esc *v # C color component 3 Esc *l # W [data] color lookup tables Esc *v # W [data] configure image data Esc *m # W download dither matrix Esc *v # S foreground color Esc *t # I gamma correction Esc &b # M monochrome print mode Esc &p # I palleter control ID Esc &p # C palleter control Esc *p # P push/pop palleter Esc *t # J render algorithm Esc &p # S select palleter Esc *i # W [data] set viewing illuminant Esc *r # U simple color -----------------------------------------------------------------
Основные графические команды для PCL ----------------------------------------------------------------- Esc E initialize printer Esc *p # X set cursor X coordinate Esc *p # Y set cursor Y coordinate Esc *t # R set resolution (All dots are square) (valid values is = 75,100,150,300,600...) Esc *r 1 U Set one plane, monochrome mode Esc *r 3 U Set 3 plane, color RGB mode Esc *r -3 U Set 3 plane, color CMY mode Esc *r -4 U Set 4 plane, color KCMY mode Esc *r # S set image size (in pixels) Esc *r 0 A start draw picture from left margin of current raw Esc *r 1 A start draw picture from current position Esc *b 0 M no raster compression Esc *b 1 M RLE coding Esc *b 2 M TIFF coding Esc *b 3 M Delta-coding Esc *b # V [data] send raw of color plane (and switch to next color plane) RGB: R, G, B CMY: C, M, Y KCMY: K(black),C,M,Y (Last color plane must be outputed by Esc *b#W) Esc *b # W [data] send raster string (and switch to next raster raw) (# = number of bytes in output) Esc *r C exit raster mode -----------------------------------------------------------------
PostScript PostScript - язык управления принтерами и фотонаборными автоматами. Раньше широко использовался в high-end принтерах, но сейчас экономия это забивает. ----------------------------------------------------------------- num abs num1 num2 add bool1 bool2 and x y r ang1 ang2 arc x y r ang1 ang2 arcn ax ay string ashow num den atan cx cy char ax ay string awitdthshow proc bind int1 shift nitshift num ceiling string bool charpath clip clippath closepath copypage angle cos currentpoint x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 curveto num cvi string cvn string cvt num string radix cvrs num string cvs num1 num2 div element dup elem1 elem2 eq elem1 elem2 exch oper exec exit base exp exp fill font findfont start step end { proc } fpr num1 num2 ge grestore gsave num1 num2 gt int1 int2 idiv bool { proc } if bool { proc1 } {proc2} ifelse width heigth bitsps matrix proc image width heigth invert matrix proc imagemask a1 a2 ... ax n index num1 num2 le x y lineto num1 ln num1 log { proc } loop num1 num2 lt int1 int2 mod x y moveto num1 num2 mul num1 neg newpath bool1 not bool1 bool2 or pop quit rand dx1 dy1 dx2 dy2 dx3 dy3 rcurveto count { proc } repeat dx dy rlinto elem1 ... elemx n j roll num1 round x y scale font scale scalefont string such search font setfont num setgray num setlinewidth ( text ) show showpage angle sin num sqrt int string string stringwidth stroke num1 num2 sub num truncate bool1 bool2 xor % comment -----------------------------------------------------------------
Сейчас наибольшее распространение имеют большие "станковые" плоттеры. TODO: HP-GL ----------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ Coordinate System ----------------- DF; Set Default Values of Plotter settings IN; Initialize plotter IP p1x,p1y [,p2x,p2y]; Input Set coordinates of base points (P1 - left top, P2 - right bottom) IR p1x,p1y [,p2x,p2y]; Input Relative IW x1,y1,x2,y2; Set Input windows PG; Advance Full Page (goto next page) RO angle; Rotate coordinate system (Clock-overwise, degrees. valid: 90,180,270) RP n; Replot n copyes of data SC Xmin,Ymax,Ymin,Ymax Set coordinates of P1 and P2 points [,type, left, bottom]; in user coordinates ----------- Drawing Primitives ---------------- AA x,y,arc [,chord_angle]; Arc Absolute AR x,y,arc [,chord_angle]; Arc relative AT Xint,Yint,Xend,Yend Absolute Arc Tree Point [,chord_angle] ; RT Xint,Yint,Xinc,Yinc Relative Arc Tree Point [,chord_angle] ; CI r [,chord_angle] ; Circle PA x1,y1 [,x2,y2 [,..]] ; Plot Absolute PR x1,y1 [,x2,y2 [,..]] ; Plot Relative PD x,y [,..] ; Pen Down (move to point) PU x,y [,..] ; Pen Up (moving to point) PE [flag] [value/x,y] Polyline endcode [,...] ; ----------- Polygon Graphics ------------------ EA x,y; Edge Rectangle Absolute ER x,y; Edge Rectangle Relative EW r,start_angle, Edge Wedge (Sector) swrrp_angle [,chord_to]; EP; Edge Polygon (which coordinates was previously added bt PM,RA,RR,WG commands) PM poly_def; Polygon Mode FP; Fill Polygon RA x,y; Fill Rectangle Absolute RR x,y; Fill Rectangle relative WG radius, start_angle, Fill Wedge end_angle [,chord_angl]; ----------- Line & Fill Attributes ------------- AC x, y ; Anchor Corner FT type [,spacing, angle]; Fill Type LA kind, value [,...]; Line Attributes LT pattern_num [,patt_len, Line Type mode ] ; PW width [,pen] ; Pen Width RF index [,width, heigth, Raster Fill pen_num, ...] ; SM char ; Symbol Mode SP pen_num ; Select Pen UL index [,gap1,..,gapN]; User-Defined Line Type WU type; Pen Width Unit Selection ----------- Character controls ----------------- AD kind, value [,...]; Alternate Font Definition CF fill_mode [,edge_pen]; Character Fill Mode CP [c , l ]; Character Plot DI dx,dy ; Absolute Direction DR dx,dy ; Relative Direction DT label_terminator[,mode]; Define Label Terminator DV path[,line] ; Define Variable Text Path ES spaces [,lines] ; Extra space LB string ; Label LO pos_num ; Label origin SA; Select alternative font SD kind,val [,...] ; Standart font definition SI width,heigth ; Absolute Character Size SL tangent_of_angle ; Character Slant SR width,heigth ; Relative Character Size SS; Select standart font TD mode; Transparent Data ----------- Technical Graphic extensions ------- BP [kind,value,...] ; Begin plot CT mode ; Chord Tolerance Mode DL n [,count,x,y,..] ; Download Character EC [n] ; Enable cutter FR; Frame Advance MC mode ; Merge control MG [message] ; Message MT type ; Media type FNR; Not Ready FOE; Output Error OH; Output Hard-Clip Limits OI; Output Identification OP; Output P1 and P2 OS; Output status PS [length, width] ; Plot Size QL [quality] ; Quality Level ST [switches]; Sort VS [pen_velocity,pen]; Velocity Select ----------- Palleter Extensions ----------------- CR [black_ref_red, Set Color Range For Relative Color Data white_ref_red, black_ref_green, white_ref_green, black_ref_blue, white_ref_blue] ; NP n; Number of Pens PC [pen,red,green,blue]; Pen Color Assignment SV screen_type [,options]; Screended Vectors TR [n]; Transparency Mode ------------ Digitizing Extensions --------------- DC; Digitize clear DP; Digitize point OD; Output Digitized position and Pen status ------------ Other enhancions -------------------- N fontid Set font as secondary -----------------------------------------------------------------
Вывод на пленку Фотонаборные аппараты
Трехмерные принтеры выпускают уже сейчас К сожалению пока это дорогое удовольствие Пример Z-corporation ZPrinter 310. Стоит ~25,000 (конец 2004 года). Рабочий обьем 122x180x158 милиметров Расходные материалы стоят $1-$2 за 1 кубический дюйм результата. Разрешение 0.004 дюйма Время объемной печати 3-4 часа (сильно зависит от размеров). Можно печатать формы, для последущей заливки металлом. 3D принтер
Dimensions 3D Printer разрешение 0.01 дюйма 203x203x305 миллиметров Стоит ~25,000 (конец 2004 года). Печатает быстрозастывающим пластиком.